Tag Archive for: Variable Data

What exactly are QR Codes? How do they work and what’s the best way to use them?

QR codes are a type of barcode that a smartphone can scan. They are used to store information and links in the form of text, images, or videos. This makes them an efficient way to communicate with your donors and provide them with more information about your appeal or drive them directly to a specific site.

QR codes are most commonly used in marketing because they allow you to promote your institution in different ways. As a fundraiser, you can use QR codes on your website, social media profiles, posters and banners at events, but most of all, they work great with direct mail.

How to Use Direct Mail to Increase Your Donations

One good thing to note is that direct mail is certainly not dead, and it can be a powerful tool for increasing donations with the help of digital channels.

It continues to be the foundation for nonprofits to reach out to potential donors who are not on their email list or who prefer to give by mail.

While there are several types of direct mail, you can enhance your mailer with various elements:

  • Add the invoice-style “Ugly Betty” to your appeal

  • Include personalization in your letter through variable data printing

  • Create an infographic to highlight institution achievements to date

  • Use a tagline or call-out on the outside of your envelope

  • Employ a QR code to drive donors directly to your donations page

We’ve found that QR codes can help increase donations on your next appeal, but it’s important to follow three simple rules.

3 Proven Tactics to Increase QR Code Engagement

One of the most important functions of QR codes is to provide links to your digital assets. When someone scans your QR code, they can visit your donation page or interact with an app. To take this experience to the next level, try these three tactics:

1. Clearly explain what will happen when they use the QR Code in your direct mail piece. Where it will take them, or what they are expecting to see.

2. Provide a URL beside the QR Code for those wishing to go directly to the page without using the code.

3. Make sure your code is large enough for the donor to see.

To sum it up, QR codes are the link between the digital and physical worlds. If you are unfamiliar with how to get a QR Code, we recommend QR Code Generator, or ask us to add one to your next appeal for you.

Our clients have found QR Codes are a direct channel to their donation page for capital campaigns, spring and fall appeals, and on postcard reminders for fiscal year end. If you’re interested in adding a QR Code to your next appeal, contact us today.

Variable Data can help you in your efforts for fundraising this year. As a term used in printing or direct mail marketing, Variable Data Printing (VDP) allows you to send personalized imagery, content, or graphics. Today I am going to show you how variable data printing delivers more response for your next appeal.

What is Variable Data Printing for Fundraising?

Adding a person’s name, full-color image and more database information can increase the response rate by up to 500% vs not doing any of these things.

40% Of Marketing Campaigns Success is in the data

Connecting Donors Emotionally

Imagine you want to connect with your donors by including images from their time at their alma mater, but you have four decades of classes to cover. Variable Data Printing makes this possible by marketing to your donors one to one. Even though 20 versions of class representation may seem overwhelming, we help simplify the process so you don’t have to change anything about the way you send your data. 

Check out this class year segmentation case study to learn how Dominican University of California increased dollars raised by 39%.

Why is Data so Important on Your Next Appeal?

You have loads of data that you collect year after year from your donors. Starting with Grandparents to alumni to parents; you have their giving history, the year of their graduation, and their interests while at your institution. 

Personalizing a piece with imagery of the sport they played, or organizations they were in, sparks emotion when used on an outer envelope or on a self-mailer. Creating that emotion drives more opportunities for you to make that one-to-one connection with the donor.  

Middlesex Spring Appeal

Another way to make a connection is through showcasing donor history.  The “Ugly Betty” invoice-like direct mail piece is a great example. This mail design gets really personal when they see their financial commitments, or lack thereof.

Where Can You Use Variable Data Printing?

VDP works very well with most direct mail formats that are easily customized.

  • Postcards
  • Envelopes
  • Folded Self-Mailers
  • Brochures

These popular formats can engage donors when they use VDP, as noted before, to capture attention and emit emotion.

Potentially, nearly every component of a direct mail piece receives personalization, like letters, headlines and subheads, body copy, inserts, images, graphic charts, and donor history. Anywhere there is a data point that sets one donor apart from another, there’s an opportunity to use a variable element.

Success with Variable Data

Earlier in this post, we shared that Dominican University of California achieved an increase of 39% of dollars raised with their Decades Appeal using variable data.  

So, how did they do it? They provided us with their different cohort donors, the decade in which they attended, and information that related to their donor’s time at the school. 

With these data points, we designed a letter with an outer envelope that focused on imagery from their “decade”. We personalized the letter by their cohort, implementing paragraphs that spoke directly to each alumni’s decade.Dominican University Data Sample

The Dominican University of California saw a 4.78% open rate and achieved an 8% increase in the number of donors.

Turning Data into Action 

Variable Data Printing is not new. But it may be new to you. And at BCG Connect, we work with your data and recommend ways in which you can use VDP. 

In the long run, our creative team designs appeals that create a connection between you and your donor.

Did your last appeal deliver on your goals? Have you tried VDP beyond personalization?  

If you have the data, we have the strategy, programming and support to allow Variable Data Printing to optimize your next direct mail appeal.

Want to see more?

So, are you looking for ideas for your next appeal? Ask us for a sample, and you’ll get it directly to your inbox.

The air is getting crisp outside. The leaves are getting crunchier. School bus lights flash longer waiting for students to scurry aboard. This could only mean one thing – fall is here. These signs of fall should ignite the fundraiser in you to spark your donors to give. How should you do that? Well first, it starts with a strong strategic annual giving plan.

By now, most fundraisers have a strategic annual giving plan, but there is always time to make adjustments and improvements.

Strengthen your annual giving plan by asking yourself these questions:

  • How does this year’s annual giving plan differ from our plan last year? Regardless of if you had the best year yet, or a year that needs improvement, you should always try to do something a little different.
    • Yes, if you had the best year to date, continue doing what you’re doing. However, what’s next? How can you keep that stamina up? It’s all about thinking ahead and continuing to have that donor-mindset at the forefront of your initiatives.
    • If you had a year that needs major improvement, try something completely new – do some testing and analysis and determine what had the best results. For example, maybe it was a self-mailer over an 8.5×11″ letter, a Facebook ad over a LinkedIn ad, a phone call over an email. Whatever it may be, it’s important to analyze what your donors respond to. Keep in mind that it can take multiple touchpoints before a donor takes action. Ensure that you are communicating with them on all channels to reach them where they are.
  • Did we draft a schedule for initiatives this year? Laying out what the initiative is, who will be targeted, what the goal is, and the timeframe of execution is critical to your team’s success. It not only confirms that everyone is on the same page, but it also helps you stay on track with initiatives. Sometimes, things change. Having a schedule helps you see what adjustments might need to be made if something arises. This central resources can allow your team to be concise, consistent, and focused.
  • How did we use personalization in appeals? Donors expect a personal touch now more than ever. How did you use variable data to personalize the ask? How was the data segmented to properly target the right people with the right message? Instead of sending everyone the same message with the same imagery, try to show donors that you know what’s important to them. If the donor connects with the institution on a personal level, they will be more inclined to donate because they start building an affinity to it.

For more than two decades, we have been successful in partnering with fundraising organizations to create a personalized, custom approach to their marketing and fundraising initiatives, targeting the right people with an effective message, to reach their prospective and current donors. Let us help you!