
Check back here regularly as we share ideas for helping fundraising professionals create powerful marketing deliverables, deliver targeted communications, and build personalized experiences that connect with donors on a personal level.

5 Tips from a Direct Mail Designer2024 BCG Connect

Inside Creative: 5 Tips from a Direct Mail Designer

BCG Connect Designers collaborate with academic institutions and nonprofit organizations from all over the country, creating a wide range of print and digital communications. We asked our Design Team to share some tips and suggestions for producing powerful content.
St. Joseph's College Ugly Betty Letter

The Truth About Ugly Betty Campaigns

To most of the world, “Ugly Betty” was the name of an ABC original TV series starring America Ferrera. However, in the world of fundraising professionals, an ugly betty is an effective way to renew gifts from prior donors using a very direct,…
City of Boston, MA

3 Things We Learned from the 2024 Case D1 Conference

On March 13 – 15, 2024, CASE members gathered for the District 1 Annual Conference in Boston, and we were there.  Here are three things we learned from a fascinating group of thought leaders in academic philanthropy:
BCG Connect | Creative Marketing for Fundraisers

BCG Connect expands operations with new office and production facility

BCG Connect continues to grow and expand its operations.  We are pleased to announce the successful transition to a new corporate office and manufacturing facility in Wilmington, Massachusetts.  The new, 16,000-square foot space serves as…
Friends of the Children -Boston Achievers and MentorsFriends of the Children - Boston

Building Partnerships for Greater Impact

There is a famous African proverb that says, “if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together.” Creating partnerships with trusted organizations and peers can help nonprofit organizations go further and have a more lasting, sustainable impact.
Direct Mail

11 Reasons Direct Mail works for Nonprofits

We have heard it all. And we think direct mail gets a bad rap. Long considered “junk mail” direct mail is seeing a new revival with the onslaught of emails sent to your inbox every day. That's why we're making the case with these 11 statistics. There…
stack of letters

Self-mailer vs. a Letter: Why choose?

Ahh, the infamous question: self-mailers vs. letters for your next appeal? Self Mailers vs Letters - Which is best for you? Direct mail formats should be more strategic than just following personal preferences. Meanwhile, it's visible,…
Data on a person

Data Management: Empowering Communications

That's a bold statement: "empower your communications through data management." After all, data management is the process of organizing and structuring data in a way that it is easily searchable and useable. While it isn't always the most…
Direct Mail statistics

5 Statistics to guide your direct marketing planning

Maybe a list of direct mail statistics is all you're looking for. But wouldn't it help to have the reasoning behind the statistics, too? First, direct mail marketing is an old school marketing technique that has been around for decades and…
Options for Appeal Design

5 Tips to planning your next appeal around budget limitations

Designing a direct mail appeal is a tricky process. It's easy to get lost in the sea of design options and end up with something that doesn't quite fit your needs. So how do you decide what to include? In this article, we'll walk you through…
USPS Mailbox

Informed Delivery and the new USPS Experience

If you ever thought they restricted the USPS only to your mailbox, you're in for a surprise. Meet Informed Delivery. It's a free service that uses machine learning to deliver small snippets of actual mail inside your inbox. You get the digital…
Digital Media and Direct Mail

7 Ways to Integrate Digital Marketing with Direct Mail

Digital media plays a key role for fundraisers in targeting their donors. For example, integrating social posts along with email, they can hit donors multiple times on different platforms. But don't stop your direct mail campaign! Direct mail…