Digital media plays a key role for fundraisers in targeting their donors. For example, integrating social posts along with email, they can hit donors multiple times on different platforms. But don’t stop your direct mail campaign!

Direct mail also continues to evolve with emerging technologies. In this post, we share the importance of integrating your digital media with direct mail, and we highlight 7 ways you can actually add digital media to your direct mail.

The Importance of Digital Media in your Direct Mail Marketing Strategy

Using digital media in direct mail marketing has increased drastically over the past few years. Today, the online world and offline world are converging. You can see the effect it has had on fundraising, for example, where donors are using online from offline sources to donate.

Direct mail marketing is a type of advertising that includes directly delivering your appeals to your constituents via postal service. To be effective, it must include some element of personalization and relevancy to the donor or else it is ineffective. People enjoy feeling important. 70% of consumers say that direct mail makes them feel more valued.

The Convergence of Direct Mail and Digital Media

The key is to combine your digital marketing and direct mail efforts to boost your overall results. The two are powerful ingredients for marketing as individual efforts, but together — you get incredible results. Research shows that combining digital and direct mail efforts can increase response rates. A study mentioned by Philanthropy Today found:

  1. If someone’s getting both mail and email from you, they’re more likely to open your letters! Donors who received mail-plus-email show a 60.5% lift in response rates over those who just got mailed.

  2. Donors who received only an email had a 90.6% lower response rate to the mail than donors who only received the mail itself. The email-only group had just a 1.4% response rate.

  3. People who received both direct mail and digital media were also more likely to give online too. Clearly, the worst option was to send people only email.

  4. Another study shows that those who receive emails along with direct mail give 25% more annually.

Our 4 P’s of Direct Mail Marketing

There are four “P’s” in marketing: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. However, in the fundraising world, we created these 4 P’s of direct mail marketing:

  • Personalization – Personalized appeals to constituents are more likely to be remembered and acted upon.

  • Photos – Adding photos and imagery creates an emotional connection for the donor.

  • Planning – Placing your digital ads ahead of your direct mail will help bridge the two channels.

  • Presentation – Your direct mail piece needs to reflect the ask. From postcards to letters to self-mailers, your appeal should include your story, your call to action, and your goal.

Developing a successful direct mail appeal, along with digital media, should embody the same design, so it is clearly part of an overall campaign.

Including the same design and creative elements on direct mail, email, social media, digital ads, and the landing page provides the donor a connection to the overall campaign.

The Role of Digital Media in Modern Direct Mail Strategies

Most fundraisers know about the importance of engaging constituents through their digital channels – whether it’s through social media, email, or mobile applications. The digital landscape has changed how we communicate with people and how people communicate with us. Digital media has evolved how we do fundraising campaigns, specifically direct mail.

Here are seven ways to integrate digital media with direct mail.

  1. QR Codes – Placing a branded QR code as a call to action on your appeal allows the donor to go from the physical to the digital world in a couple of clicks.

  2. Video – Sounds crazy, but when you add either a URL or a QR Code to your mailer, you direct your donors to a video and continue to tell the story of your nonprofit in a more visually compelling way.

  3. Landing Pages – Include the landing page URL in the main body of your letter. Don’t be afraid to include the URL in multiple locations on your appeal. From the letter to a buck slip to the reply card, guide the donor to your landing page.

  4. VACTA – Voice Activated Call to Action is the latest technology to hit the consumer market. Now it’s fundraisers turn to take advantage of this platform. Add a call to action in your appeal that uses Alexa’s Donate to Charity feature or Google’s simple phrase “Hey Google, donate to a charity” to accept donations.

  5. Informed Delivery – Over 44 million people have signed up for Informed Delivery. This is the USPS digital mail and package delivery online preview. Nonprofits can include a free ad to ride along with the digitized mail.

  6. Social Media – Remember to add your social media icons to your direct mail when you’re creating a multichannel approach.

  7. Text – Text to give is a convenient method for donors to send their contributions via text. The process is seamless and takes a few minutes. Adding your text number to your direct mail gives your donors another way of donating to your cause.

The increasing developments in digital media are changing direct mail marketing as we know it. Direct mail once meant appeals delivered through “snail-mail” but now includes targeted messages to your donor base while they are browsing their social channels on their computer or phone.

Conclusion: How to adjust your strategy for your next campaign

Assess your current direct mail marketing strategy. Identify and apply modern digital strategies, as mentioned above. Employ our 4Ps model of direct mail marketing as the base of your appeals. Fundraising efforts should consider all channels, as every channel has the potential for success when used in tandem with one another.

In conclusion:

Fundraisers have been using digital media for a long time. With the continuous advances in technology and new communication channels, direct mail is also adapting to these changes. We believe that the convergence of traditional and modern marketing strategies is what will make you more successful in this fast-paced world.

If you’re ready for a direct marketing partner who provides marketing solutions for your next fundraising campaign, contact us today.

What exactly are QR Codes? How do they work and what’s the best way to use them?

QR codes are a type of barcode that a smartphone can scan. They are used to store information and links in the form of text, images, or videos. This makes them an efficient way to communicate with your donors and provide them with more information about your appeal or drive them directly to a specific site.

QR codes are most commonly used in marketing because they allow you to promote your institution in different ways. As a fundraiser, you can use QR codes on your website, social media profiles, posters and banners at events, but most of all, they work great with direct mail.

How to Use Direct Mail to Increase Your Donations

One good thing to note is that direct mail is certainly not dead, and it can be a powerful tool for increasing donations with the help of digital channels.

It continues to be the foundation for nonprofits to reach out to potential donors who are not on their email list or who prefer to give by mail.

While there are several types of direct mail, you can enhance your mailer with various elements:

  • Add the invoice-style “Ugly Betty” to your appeal

  • Include personalization in your letter through variable data printing

  • Create an infographic to highlight institution achievements to date

  • Use a tagline or call-out on the outside of your envelope

  • Employ a QR code to drive donors directly to your donations page

We’ve found that QR codes can help increase donations on your next appeal, but it’s important to follow three simple rules.

3 Proven Tactics to Increase QR Code Engagement

One of the most important functions of QR codes is to provide links to your digital assets. When someone scans your QR code, they can visit your donation page or interact with an app. To take this experience to the next level, try these three tactics:

1. Clearly explain what will happen when they use the QR Code in your direct mail piece. Where it will take them, or what they are expecting to see.

2. Provide a URL beside the QR Code for those wishing to go directly to the page without using the code.

3. Make sure your code is large enough for the donor to see.

To sum it up, QR codes are the link between the digital and physical worlds. If you are unfamiliar with how to get a QR Code, we recommend QR Code Generator, or ask us to add one to your next appeal for you.

Our clients have found QR Codes are a direct channel to their donation page for capital campaigns, spring and fall appeals, and on postcard reminders for fiscal year end. If you’re interested in adding a QR Code to your next appeal, contact us today.

Watching those expensive TV commercials from the ASPCA or Save the Children, you immediately connect to their story. They compel viewers into action because of the imagery, music and voiceover. Now, imagine if you could integrate video into your next campaign, but using direct mail marketing to connect donors to your message.

What is Direct Mail Marketing?

Direct mail marketing is advertising that involves sending a direct mail piece to a potential donor. It is one of the oldest and most effective marketing channels, especially for fundraisers.

With the help of direct mail marketing, fundraisers can target their constituents or prospective donors more accurately and send them personalized messages.

Direct Mail is an Effective Marketing Channel

As a marketing channel that has been around for years, direct mail continues to be one of the most effective ways to reach your donors.

Direct mail marketing sends your appeal to prospective donors, parents of students, or your alumni. The goal is to create a one-to-one relationship through your story to get them to donate.

The advantages of direct mail over other forms of marketing include:

  • High Open Rates – A direct mail campaign can supply as high as 90% open rate. Compare that to email, which averages 15% – 20% for a successful campaign.
  • Personalization – Your data allows you to personalize each direct mail piece based on donor information through variable data printing.
  • Control – Segmentation allows you to control the narrative on a personal level, so your piece creates more engagement for the reader.

How Digital Media Has Changed the Face of Direct Mail Marketing Forever

Today, digital media has changed the way we think about direct mail marketing. Together with direct mail, digital media helps drive more engagement with donors. From landing pages to social media to email marketing, digital media is the perfect partner for direct mail.

The increase use of digital media has made it possible for fundraisers to personalize messaging to their donors both online and offline. The benefit of using both direct mail and digital media together creates a personalized experience for the donor.

Adding a video element to your direct mail only enhances the overall experience.

How to Create a Successful Direct Mail Campaign with Video

Video is an effective way of sharing your nonprofit’s or institution’s story in the digital age, without the expense of a highly produced commercial. Anyone can produce a short video that can make an impact with video and editing capabilities on phones. Most iPhones come with iMovie, or you can find apps like Quik, a free app by the GoPro company.

So how do you integrate video into direct mail for your next appeal?

Adding a QR Code onto your direct mail piece will guide your constituents to open your video message with their phone. The remarkable thing about QR Codes is that the camera reads them on your phone and at once takes the user to your video. At BCG Connect, our designers highlight the code in a distinct color, and add a call to action to help it stand out.

With the increased use of video in social media, this is the perfect time to drive more people to your videos. Your video should be engaging and relevant to your donor. When creating a successful direct mail appeal with video, keep these things in mind:

  • Create a video that is a continuation of the story from the direct mail piece
  • Use emotional elements that tie the donor to the story
  • Keep it short,:30 seconds is the maximum you should use
  • Include your ask in your video

Conclusion and Future Trends in Direct Mail Marketing

While direct mail marketing is a powerful tool that can increase donor engagement, adding a digital element to your appeal will certainly give your campaign a lift. The future of direct mail campaigns will be based on several trends we recently uncovered.

Continuing to integrate your direct mail with digital media is the key to reaching more constituents both online and offline. So, whether you are using digital channels like email or social media, direct mail makes the perfect foundation for your campaign.

The BCG Connect team offers guidance and best practices in implementing digital media to your direct mail when you are planning your next appeal. Reach out to us today.

We have made a commitment to our planet, and we will reflect it in the way we do business. BCG Connect commits to sustainability efforts; to reducing our carbon footprint and working towards a sustainable future for generations to come. We focus one of our primary efforts on reforestation.

What Does Reforestation Have To Do With Direct Mail?

The first thing to do is to understand the basics of reforestation. It is the process of planting trees on land that is deforested or cleared of its original forests and vegetation.

There are a variety of benefits, such as restoring a natural environment, reducing erosion, providing shelterbelts or windbreaks. It also helps in stabilizing soil and preventing landslides.

Reforestation is an important measure for fighting climate change because it sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and converts it into biomass and oxygen through photosynthesis.

“To plant a tree is to give hope to tomorrow.” – Matilda Joslyn Gage

There Are Many Reasons Why We Believe In The Importance Of Reforestation

Reforesting the world is one of the most important things we can do to protect ourselves. In a study by the University of Maryland, they found trees absorb about 7 percent of all carbon emissions in the air. In addition, to this, the study found that the U.S. Forest service estimates that a tree can store 100 kilograms of carbon in its trunk and branches for up to 60 years or more.

In a world where there are many environmental problems, reforestation is an essential part of breaking down carbon dioxide and other harmful gases into harmless gases like oxygen and water vapor.

Print One Plant One

How We Support Reforestation

In May 2021, we partnered with PrintReleaf and created our Print One Plant One program. PrintReleaf is a company that specializes in reforestation. They have been working with direct mail companies for the past 10 years. We work with PrintReleaf as they measure the paper footprint based on cumulative printing and plant trees according to the Environmental Paper Network.

According to PrintReleaf, “your paper consumption is measured, and trees are automatically reforested across our global network of certified reforestation projects.

Paper use to tree equivalent

PrintReleaf guarantees every sheet of paper a customer consumes will be reforested at a rate of 8,333 sheets of standard letter (8.5 × 11″ 20lb paper) or 37.16kg per tree (40ft height × 7in width or 12.192m × 0.1778m).

This open-source formula is widely and generally accepted as the industry standard as established by the Environmental Paper Network.”

Reforestation is one of the most important solutions for mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity.

How You Can Integrate Reforestation Into Your Next Direct Mail Campaign

Finally, the next time you are planning your direct mail campaign with us, tell us you’d like to participate in the Print One Plant One program. Then, you choose where you would like to allocate your sustainability efforts. You can select locations from all over the world. Then we’ll add the PrintReleaf logo to your mailing. It’s a great way to help get the word out about the environmental benefits of reforestation.

Our Actions Matter. Plant a Tree Today & Make the World Greener.

Ask your Account Team, or reach out to us today about how you can add PrintReleaf to your next campaign and let’s plant some trees!

Sustainability Efforts at BCG Connect

Using email and direct mail together only improves your fundraising efforts, and they are a perfect mix for any organization. Since email is the best way to reach out to people who are already digitally connected, direct mail is the best way to reach out to people who are more comfortable with traditional tactics.

Foremost, direct mail is an excellent way of reaching your donor base. You may not have been able to reach through email alone. Second, email provides a more personal experience and direct mail provides a more in-depth experience.

What is Direct Mail and Why is it Important for Fundraisers?

Direct mail is one type of marketing that has been around for over 100 years. Fundraisers have been no stranger to using this one tactic during the last century. And we know you encourage donors to support your cause when they receive a direct mail piece.

As it’s still an important part of many organizations’ communications strategies, direct mail appeals may even be more important now than ever before. As your donors are aging, it’s the younger generations who value their time spent with direct mail.

The many benefits of direct mail are that it’s cost-effective, easy to segment, and offers the chance to connect with your constituents.

How Email Marketing Benefits from Direct Mail

With a high success rate, direct mail has proven to be an effective communications tool. The approach is perfect for reaching out to your donors in the comfort of their home and getting their attention outside of an online platform.

While it’s been around for a long time, direct mail has seen some changes with email marketing. The popularity of direct mail declined over the years as more and more people switched from traditional mail to email. However, as we all hunkered down during the pandemic, direct mail has found its way back into homes our now more than ever before.

Email Marketing is a powerful tool for any institution. It can help you reach a wider audience, drive traffic to your website, and generate more donations. But email marketing doesn’t work on its own. It needs the support of other marketing tools to be most effective.

Direct mail provides an opportunity to connect with your audience in person – something that email can’t do. And it also provides an opportunity to build a relationship with your constituent that will lead them back to your site and keep them coming back for more.

There’s no doubt that both these methods have their pros and cons, but what if you could use them together for better results?

How to Combine Direct Mail & Email Marketing for a Better Response

Direct mail and email marketing are two of the most popular ways to reach out to your donors. But how do you know which one is right for your campaign?

Email marketing and direct mail are both great ways to reach out to potential donors, but they work best when used together. There are a few different ways that you can use email in your direct mailing campaigns. Here are five ways you can use email and direct mail with your appeals.

1. Target email non-responders

No matter how exciting and innovative your email marketing campaign is, some people will just not open your email. This could be because of several reasons. Maybe they are so inundated with emails, or your appeal gets lost in the shuffle. If you are struggling to get your donors to open your emails, a complementary direct mail piece is the option.

2. Sense of urgency

Sending annual appeals with direct mail takes planning, creative and content. Annual appeals sent with direct mail brand your campaign, connect your donors to your institution, and shares your annual goal. Adding an email can create a sense of urgency so your donors act sooner rather than later. The closer you get to the end of your campaign, use an email to update your constituents on the status of reaching your goal.

3. Use direct mail as part of your email drip campaign

Drip campaigns play a role now more than ever in fundraising campaigns. With all the data you have on your donors, infusing a personalized postcard or letter to your donors will help give your appeal a boost to your next drip campaign. Add a QR code to your direct mail and drive them to a landing page that mirrors the same creative as the drip campaign. Incorporating digital and direct mail helps you reach more donors in more places.

4. Email as a follow up to direct mail

Research shows that when you combine direct mail with email communications, the response rate is 25% higher. This approach also means that more donors will visit your donation page. So, the combination of direct mail and email is a good idea because more donors will see your donation page.

5. Event communications

As traditional as they are, there’s nothing quite like an invitation sent in the mail. The formality of an invitation is even more effective when followed up with an email to connect the donor to an event page. Using direct mail and email marketing together is a more effective way of reaching your constituents and drive attendance or donations to your event.

Conclusion: A Combined Approach to Direct Mail & Email Marketing that Works!

Direct mail and email marketing are two of the most popular marketing channels. Using them to complement one another gives each channel a lift. Whether you’re targeting your non-responders or implementing a drip campaign, direct mail and email work best together when you integrate your segmentation data into each. This combination will help you create a better donor experience by providing them with over one option for engagement.

Do you need help to pull together your email and direct mail campaign? The team at BCG Connect can help manage your next campaign and drive more donors through integrative approaches with direct mail and email. Contact us today.

Trends come and go, and this year is no different. We compiled a list of direct mail trends for 2022 that you can add to your next campaign.

Direct Mail Trends for 2022 and How They are Changing the Fundraising Landscape

In this blog post you will recognize some of these trends from 2021, and some may seem the obvious. From anything from saving money to new technologies, we approach these trends on how best they are changing the fundraising landscape.

Let’s talk about Direct Mail

Direct mail is the number one technique that is used to reach out to potential donors. It is a cost-effective way of reaching out to potential donors and personalized by giving history, imagery, and donor name.

Direct mail for fundraising has been around for decades. It was first used by charities in the early 1900s, but it has developed over the years by introducing new technologies.

Our Direct Mail Trends for 2022

Nationally, the use of direct mail has been on the decline for the past few years, however we have seen just the opposite. And it seems like this trend will change in 2022. There are many reasons people are opting back into this marketing tactic.

Let’s get to the heart of this post!

Here are the trends we see that have led to this increase in direct mail usage, as well as what trends we can expect more of in 2022.


Digital channels continue to grow and become more popular than traditional channels – however, when working together, social media, email, and direct mail are a more powerful means of reaching your donors than ever before. Fundraisers see a 25% lift when using email and direct mail together.

QR Codes

Now, in 2022, the odd block that once seemed ambiguous is now one of the most mainstream forms of the print world meeting the digital world. Using QR codes in direct mail becomes more prevalent as they provide a way to track conversions and donations. QR Code Usage

Postage Increases

While the USPS continues to reform with postage increases and longer delivery times, direct mail is a hundred percent visible and tracked throughout the entire process. Considering the costs of a direct mail campaign on a larger scale, it is very affordable to send messages at the right time to your constituents.

6 × 9 Postcards

The recent USPS postage hike led to a change in regulations on which types of postcards are eligible for a new rate. Mailers no larger than 6″x9″ can now qualify for a lower rate! Can you imagine the USPS actually reduced the price? Now is the time to take advantage of all the real estate a larger postcard offers and at the same rate as your current smaller postcard.

The Classic letter

Now, even though the postage rate may have changed for the postcard, we’ve seen an increase in nonprofits sending more and more letters. Make your content personal by adding an “Ugly Betty” element into it.

Ugly Betty

If you haven’t tried adding this invoice-style format to your latest appeal, try it in 2022. This visual form of personalization stands out in a letter and allows your donor to visualize their giving history.


First, look at the data you have collected. Use it wisely and add personalization wherever you can. Personalizing a letter with your donor data has been growing in popularity over the last year because of its effectiveness.

Planning Ahead

With the likelihood of continued disruptions to the supply of mail marketing materials, fundraisers may need to plan their outreach programs more than ever before. Above all, at BCG Connect, we’re working closely with our clients, determining expected volumes for each campaign.

Informed Delivery

In addition, Informed Delivery campaigns will be a prominent trend for fundraisers by 2022. The significant rise in household informed delivery subscribers and consistently increased adoption in 2021 makes informed delivery all that more attractive. And it’s free!

Reforestation Programs

In May 2021, we introduced our partnership with PrintReleaf. While there are other sustainable options like FSC, we are more focused on building up the global forestry system. Our clients take part in choosing where they want to replant and ultimately make an eco-friendly impact on the environment.

What do these trends mean to you?

In conclusion, these trends provide more and more opportunities for nonprofits and fundraisers to take advantage of all that direct mail offers. From convergence to sustainability, BCG Connect believes the power of direct mail will continue to increase in use.

BCG Connect offers all the above and so much more. So when you work with a team of leaders in the industry who understand the benefits of the trends in direct mail, your campaign will surely make a difference this year. Contact us today to see how BCG Connect can lead you in the right direction.

With Informed Delivery service, you can digitally preview your incoming mail. You can manage your packages from a computer, tablet or mobile device via email or a USPS dashboard.

Increase Your ROI

During mail sorting, USPS® digitally images the address side of every letter-size mail piece that runs through automation equipment. USPS uses these images to provide digital notifications with gray-scale images. Users receive images of their mail in an email or posted to their USPS dashboard before the delivery of physical mail.

Below is an image from the dashboard.

Informed Delivery Dashboard


Over 44 million customers have enrolled since they launched it in 2017.

In addition, the USPS “Informed Delivery offers business mailers the opportunity to engage users through an integrated mail and digital marketing campaign that generates additional consumer impressions, interactions, and insights.”

You can do these two ways. Replacing the gray-scale image with a “Representative Image” of the mailer and including a “Ride-along” image. The representative image is not clickable or interactive, however, the ride-along image is and contains a call to action. Regardless of the images, a single target URL is required to conduct an interactive campaign.

Informed Delivery Ride Along


How Can You Improve Your Direct Marketing Efforts?

As a fundraiser, sending out appeals and other communication with additional digital components can only enhance your overall campaign visibility.

The bonus it is free from the USPS.

Below is how one of BCG Connect’s clients used this digital platform within a recent campaign:

BCG Connect Informed Delivery

Result: Using Informed Delivery drove additional clicks to our client’s website and allowed for further engagement with their donors and prospects.

Interested in trying Informed Delivery for your next campaign? We can set it up for you. Not a client yet? Contact us today!


Variable Data can help you in your efforts for fundraising this year. As a term used in printing or direct mail marketing, Variable Data Printing (VDP) allows you to send personalized imagery, content, or graphics. Today I am going to show you how variable data printing delivers more response for your next appeal.

What is Variable Data Printing for Fundraising?

Adding a person’s name, full-color image and more database information can increase the response rate by up to 500% vs not doing any of these things.

40% Of Marketing Campaigns Success is in the data

Connecting Donors Emotionally

Imagine you want to connect with your donors by including images from their time at their alma mater, but you have four decades of classes to cover. Variable Data Printing makes this possible by marketing to your donors one to one. Even though 20 versions of class representation may seem overwhelming, we help simplify the process so you don’t have to change anything about the way you send your data. 

Check out this class year segmentation case study to learn how Dominican University of California increased dollars raised by 39%.

Why is Data so Important on Your Next Appeal?

You have loads of data that you collect year after year from your donors. Starting with Grandparents to alumni to parents; you have their giving history, the year of their graduation, and their interests while at your institution. 

Personalizing a piece with imagery of the sport they played, or organizations they were in, sparks emotion when used on an outer envelope or on a self-mailer. Creating that emotion drives more opportunities for you to make that one-to-one connection with the donor.  

Middlesex Spring Appeal

Another way to make a connection is through showcasing donor history.  The “Ugly Betty” invoice-like direct mail piece is a great example. This mail design gets really personal when they see their financial commitments, or lack thereof.

Where Can You Use Variable Data Printing?

VDP works very well with most direct mail formats that are easily customized.

  • Postcards
  • Envelopes
  • Folded Self-Mailers
  • Brochures

These popular formats can engage donors when they use VDP, as noted before, to capture attention and emit emotion.

Potentially, nearly every component of a direct mail piece receives personalization, like letters, headlines and subheads, body copy, inserts, images, graphic charts, and donor history. Anywhere there is a data point that sets one donor apart from another, there’s an opportunity to use a variable element.

Success with Variable Data

Earlier in this post, we shared that Dominican University of California achieved an increase of 39% of dollars raised with their Decades Appeal using variable data.  

So, how did they do it? They provided us with their different cohort donors, the decade in which they attended, and information that related to their donor’s time at the school. 

With these data points, we designed a letter with an outer envelope that focused on imagery from their “decade”. We personalized the letter by their cohort, implementing paragraphs that spoke directly to each alumni’s decade.Dominican University Data Sample

The Dominican University of California saw a 4.78% open rate and achieved an 8% increase in the number of donors.

Turning Data into Action 

Variable Data Printing is not new. But it may be new to you. And at BCG Connect, we work with your data and recommend ways in which you can use VDP. 

In the long run, our creative team designs appeals that create a connection between you and your donor.

Did your last appeal deliver on your goals? Have you tried VDP beyond personalization?  

If you have the data, we have the strategy, programming and support to allow Variable Data Printing to optimize your next direct mail appeal.

Want to see more?

So, are you looking for ideas for your next appeal? Ask us for a sample, and you’ll get it directly to your inbox.

Let’s talk about your Spring Appeal. Direct mail is a valuable tool for any organization trying to communicate their case for support. The challenge is, how do you use this tool to engage your constituents and inspire them to take action?

Here are 3 tips to help your spring appeal make an impact:

Use current photos to show impact

Using powerful images is a widely understood concept for appeals.1 Showing the impact of how gifts have helped current students, allowed for extra safety measures, or provided support to those in need during the pandemic will resonate with current and prospective donors.

See how the California College of the Arts used this approach: CCA Appeal

Make sure it is clear what you would like donors to do

Like a successful email campaign, an effective appeal involves a clear CTA and message. If donors are unsure what your goal is, it will be less interesting for them to take action. 

See how this appeal illustrates a clear CTA: Friends Central School Appeal

Don’t rely too heavily on copy 

Crafting effective messaging is important and there can often be a lot that you want to say to your audience. However, that message could get lost in translation if there is too much copy drowning it out.2 Finding the balance between images, copy, and a format that appeases both is the goal.

See how we helped York College accomplish this balance: York College Appeal 

What are you trying in your current programs? Connect with us today and let us know.


1 = SG Engage

2 = Huffington Post

Most fundraising professionals have reaped the benefits of events for years. Whether it be the education, healthcare, or nonprofit space, the value of visibility and interpersonal interaction at events is undeniable.

Thanks to COVID-19, many organizations are struggling1 from both a donor acquisition and revenue perspective due to the loss of in-person events. While some events have been cancelled or postponed, still more have switched to a virtual format instead.

It might seem counter-intuitive to state that direct mail pairs well with a virtual event. How could a perceived “basic” tactic like direct mail compliment a highly sophisticated online gathering?

Here are three ways to use direct mail for virtual events:

  • Use direct mail to send special offers to attendees

Events are the perfect time to engage or re-engage donors with a little extra TLC.

While donors are at home looking forward to their daily walk to the mailbox, it makes sense to utilize direct mail in the wake of a virtual event. Sending a pre-event checklist that donors can hang in their home office or a special promo code2 postcard are some simple and budget-friendly options.

  • Use direct mail as an extra touch point

One of the current weak spots of a virtual events is, quite simply, the competition. While attending a virtual event has many pro’s, the biggest con in this climate is over-saturation.

Using direct mail as an additional touch point can help break up some of the virtual clutter and overall fatigue.3  Consider sending a personalized direct mail invite or save the date, just like you would an in-person event (example here).

  • Use direct mail for appointment setting

Appointment setting is a hugely popular practice of sending an offer to attendees before the event in attempts to connect with them at the show. Usually there is some kind of special offer being teased at the booth or an opportunity to speak to an expert in person.

Direct mail can still be used for virtual event appointment setting. Provide attendees the opportunity to speak with you in a one-on-one chat room. You can also send them a special code to enter your booth prize drawing.4

In short, events may be more complicated for the foreseeable future, but that does not mean they have to be overly difficult. Virtual events exclude more traditional logistical challenges and costs, such as paying for airfare and hotels. Adding the ease and proven track record of direct mail to your event strategy is sure to prove successful.

If you like this post, check out our guest blog spot with the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce on how direct mail can cut through the virtual noise in 2020.


1 = Harvard Business Review

2 = Impact

3= 4 Ways to Use Direct Mail in the Current Climate

4 = Event Marketer